Windows C++ Locale Function
int GetGeoInfo(GEOID GeoId, GEOTYPE GeoType, LPTSTR lpGeoData, int cchData, LANGID language);
int GetGeoInfoA(GEOID GeoId, GEOTYPE GeoType, LPSTR lpGeoData, int cchData, LANGID language);
int GetGeoInfoW(GEOID GeoId, GEOTYPE GeoType, LPWSTR lpGeoData, int cchData, LANGID language);
Internationalization (I18n) Function Overview
The GetGeoInfo function retrieves GeoType information about the location GeoId ,
in the language specified by language , and stores
the result in the buffer pointed to by lpGeoData . If cchData is non-zero,
then it specifies the size, in TCHARs , of the lpGeoData buffer, and the
return will be the number of TCHARs written to the buffer. If cchData is
0 , then GetGeoInfo will return the number of TCHARs required
to hold the information, including the null terminator, but will not store the data.
If language is NULL , then the returned information will be in the
system's default UI language.
GetGeoInfoA is the narrow version of the function,
storing a single or multibyte character string in the buffer pointed to be lpGeoData ,
and where cchData and the return value are single-byte length values.
GetGeoInfoW is the wide version of the function,
storing a wide-character string in the buffer pointed to be lpGeoData ,
and where cchData and the return value are wide-character (WCHAR )
length values.
See the MSDN Library for additional information.
I18n Issues
Use the appropriate version of the function as required for internationalization support, noting the following:
Formulate the correct language id to pass into GetGeoInfo ;
do not pass in NULL for the language, as in an internationalized application, the program's language may differ from the system's language.
Ensure that cchData is correct for the chosen platform; bytes for the narrow version and WCHARs for the wide version. See Locale-Sensitive Length Functions
for a discussion on multibyte and wide character sizes.
Note that GetGeoInfo is supported only on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and
Windows Me.
Recommended Replacements*
When possible, use the Generic version of the function, rather than the narrow or wide versions, and let the Windows #define UNICODE switch determine which version of the function will be called.
*If you're already using the recommended function, see I18n Issues for other reasons why Globalyzer is detecting the function.