Windows Safe String Function
HRESULT StringCchGets(LPTSTR pszDest, size_t cchDest);
HRESULT StringCchGetsA(LPSTR pszDest, size_t cchDest);
HRESULT StringCchGetsW(LPWSTR pszDest, size_t cchDest);
HRESULT StringCchGetsEx(LPTSTR pszDest, size_t cchDest, LPTSTR *ppszDestEnd, size_t *pcchRemaining, DWORD dwFlags);
HRESULT StringCchGetsExA(LPSTR pszDest, size_t cchDest, LPSTR *ppszDestEnd, size_t *pcchRemaining, DWORD dwFlags);
HRESULT StringCchGetsExW(LPWSTR pszDest, size_t cchDest, LPWSTR *ppszDestEnd, size_t *pcchRemaining, DWORD dwFlags);
Internationalization (I18n) Function Overview
The StringCchGets function is a replacement for locale-sensitive input functions.
It retrieves one line of text from stdin, with a newline ('\n') ending the input, and stores it in pszDest , replacing the newline with a terminating null character. The character size of the buffer, stored in cchDest , is used to ensure that the destination string buffer is not overrun.
In the event of an error, a negative HRESULT value is returned, indicating the error.
StringCchGetsEx adds advanced functionality: It returns a pointer to the end of the destination string as well as the number of characters left unused in that string, and uses dwFlags for additional control.
The narrow versions of these functions, StringCchGetsA and
StringCchGetsExA , pass in single-byte or multibyte strings and lengths that refer to
the number of single-byte characters.
The wide versions of these functions, StringCchGetsW and
StringCchGetsExW , pass in wide-character strings and lengths that refer to
the number of wide (wchar_t ) characters.
I18n Issues
Use the appropriate version of the function as required for internationalization support, and ensure that cchDest is set to the character size of the destination string buffer: on Windows MBCS, the size of a character is one byte; on Windows Unicode, it's two bytes.
See Locale-Sensitive Length Functions for a discussion on multibyte
and wide character sizes.
Recommended Replacements*
When possible, use the Generic version of the function, rather than the narrow or wide versions, and let the Windows #define UNICODE switch determine which version of the function will be called.
These are shown as the first choices in the following table:
*If you're already using the recommended function, see I18n Issues for other reasons why Globalyzer is detecting the function.
Windows Safe String
