Windows Safe String Function
HRESULT StringCchLength(LPTSTR psz, size_t cchMax, size_t *pcch);
HRESULT StringCchLengthA(LPSTR psz, size_t cchMax, size_t *pcch);
HRESULT StringCchLengthW(LPWSTR psz, size_t cchMax, size_t *pcch);
Internationalization (I18n) Function Overview
The StringCchLength function is a replacement for locale-sensitive string length functions.
It calculates the character length of the string stored in psz , and stores the result in pcch , ensuring that the character size of the string is not larger than cchMax .
In the event of an error, a negative HRESULT value is returned, indicating the error.
The narrow version of the function, StringCchLengthA ,
passes in a single-byte or multibyte string and lengths that refer to
the number of single-byte characters.
The wide version of the function, StringCchLengthW ,
passes in a wide-character string and lengths that refer to
the number of wide (wchar_t ) characters.
I18n Issues
Use the appropriate version of the function as required for internationalization support, and ensure that cchMax is set to the character size of the string buffer: on Windows MBCS, the size of a character is one byte; on Windows Unicode, it's two bytes.
See Locale-Sensitive Length Functions for a discussion on multibyte
and wide character sizes.
Recommended Replacements*
When possible, use the Generic version of the function, rather than the narrow or wide versions, and let the Windows #define UNICODE switch determine which version of the function will be called.
This is shown as the first choice in the following table:
*If you're already using the recommended function, see I18n Issues for other reasons why Globalyzer is detecting the function.
Windows Safe String
