File and Path Function
void _searchenv( const char *filename, const char *varname, char *pathname );
void _wsearchenv( const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *varname, wchar_t *pathname );
void _tsearchenv( const TCHAR *filename, const TCHAR *varname, TCHAR *pathname );
Internationalization (I18n) Function Overview
The _searchenv function searches for the target file (filename ) in the specified domain (varname ).
The varname variable can be any environment or user-defined variable that
specifies a list of directory paths, such as PATH , LIB , and INCLUDE .
_searchenv is case sensitive, so varname should match the case of the environment variable.
If the target file is found, the newly created path is copied into pathname . If the file is not found,
pathname is set to an empty, null-terminated string.
To avoid buffer overrun, the pathname buffer should be at least _MAX_PATH characters long in
order to accommodate the full length of the constructed pathname.
_wsearchenv is the wide-character version of _searchenv ;
its arguments are wide-character strings.
_tsearchenv is the Generic version of the function; with the
_MBCS or _UNICODE compiler flags determining its mapping to either
_searchenv or _wsearchenv .
I18n Issues
Use the appropriate version of the function as required for internationalization support,
ensuring that pathname is large enough to hold the
resulting multibyte or wide-character string.
See Locale-Sensitive Length Functions for a discussion on multibyte
and wide character sizes.
See Pathnames for a discussion of path and filename considerations in
an internationalized application.
Recommended Replacements*
*If you're already using the recommended function, see I18n Issues for other reasons why Globalyzer is detecting the function.
File and Path Functions