Internationalization and localization tools

Culture-Sensitive C# Method

Using System

public ObjectHandle CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(string assemblyName, string typeName);

public ObjectHandle CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(string assemblyName, string typeName, Object[] activationAttributes);

public ObjectHandle CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(string assemblyName, string typeName, bool ignoreCase, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes, Evidence securityAttributes);

Internationalization (I18n) Method Overview

The CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap method creates a new instance of the specified type defined in the specified assembly file.

See Microsoft's MSDN online documentation for more information.

I18n Issues

The AppDomain class method CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap should be passed a CultureInfo argument to ensure that any culture-sensitive arguments, such as numbers or dates, are interpreted properly.

Culture and Number Format Information


Lingoport internationalization and localization services and software