Internationalization and localization tools

Culture-Sensitive C# Method

using System

public static short ToInt16(bool value);
public static short ToInt16(byte value);
public static short ToInt16(char value);
public static short ToInt16(DateTime value);
public static short ToInt16(decimal value);
public static short ToInt16(double value);
public static short ToInt16(short value);
public static short ToInt16(int value);
public static short ToInt16(long value);
public static short ToInt16(Object value);
public static short ToInt16(sbyte value);
public static short ToInt16(float value);
public static short ToInt16(string value);
public static short ToInt16(string value, int fromBase);
public static short ToInt16(ushort value);
public static short ToInt16(uint value);
public static short ToInt16(ulong value);

public static short ToInt16(Object value, IFormatProvider provider);

public static short ToInt16(string value, IFormatProvider provider);

Internationalization (I18n) Method Overview

The ToInt16 method converts the passed in parameter to an equivalent 16-bit signed integer.

For more information see Microsoft's MSDN online documentation.

I18n Issues

To ensure that culture-sensitive formatting is done properly, call the versions that pass in the Culture (IFormatProvider).

Culture and Number Format Information


Lingoport internationalization and localization services and software