Locale-Sensitive JavaScript IBM I18n Method
parseFloatWithDecimalSeparatorTolerance(src:string, loc:Locale) : double
Internationalization (I18n) Method Overview
The parseFloatWithDecimalSeparatorTolerance method parses
text from the beginning of the given string to produce a number.
Click here for additional details.
I18n Issues
This method requires a Locale argument.
It is good i18n practice to pass in a Locale object
that has been dynamically generated based upon the user's preferences.
Globalyzer will detect this method and report it as an i18n issue
regardless of whether it is being
used correctly. If you have determined that
the correct Locale is being passed in, you can
use Globalyzer's Ignore Comment
functionality to ensure that it isn't picked up in a subsequent scan.
Locale-Sensitive JavaScript Methods