Internationalization and localization tools

Locale-Sensitive Functions

Internationalization (I18n) Discussion:

These functions set components within the application's C or C++ locale. They provide the underlying functionality that is often the aim of the internationalization effort. For practical purposes, the impact of locale upon the system architecture must be considered prior to locale implementation.

Prior to calling a locale-sensitive C function, ensure that locale is set correctly, by calling setlocale/_wsetlocale/_tsetlocale.

In addition, in the case of a Windows MBCS application, _setmbcp must be called for many of the Windows-only MBCS functions to work properly. See multibyte code page for more information on the functions that depend on the application's code page. For a list of MBCS functions that are dependent on the application's locale, rather than the multibyte code page, see the Interpretation of Multibyte-Character Sequences.

Click on a function for more information:








 Locale-Sensitive C++ Methods


Lingoport internationalization and localization services and software