Internationalization and localization tools

Locale-Sensitive Length Functions

void *memset(void *block, int c, size_t size);

wchar_t *wmemset(wchar_t *block, wchar_t wc, size_t size);

void bzero(void *block, size_t size);

Internationalization (I18n) Function Overview

memset copies the value of c (converted to an unsigned char) into each of the first size bytes of the object beginning at block. It returns the value of block.

wmemset is the wide version of the function; its parameters and return value are wide character strings and size is the number of wide characters, not bytes, to be copied.

bzero is a partially obsolete alternative for memset, derived from BSD. Note that it is not as general as memset, because the only value it can store is zero.

I18n Issues

Special care must be taken with the size parameter. See Locale-Sensitive Length Functions for a complete discussion of the issues involved with functions that pass length parameters.

There is no Windows Generic function for memset.

Recommended Replacements*

*If you're already using the recommended function, see I18n Issues for other reasons why Globalyzer is detecting the function.

Locale-Sensitive Length Functions


Lingoport internationalization and localization services and software