Internationalization and localization tools

Locale-Sensitive C/C++ String Operation Function

char *stpcpy(char *restrict to, const char *restrict from);

wchar_t *wcpcpy(wchar_t *restrict wto, const wchar_t *restrict wfrom);

Internationalization (I18n) Function Overview

stpcpy is like strcpy, except that it returns a pointer to the end of the string to (that is, the address of the terminating null character to + strlen (from)) rather than the beginning.

wcpcpy is like wcscpy, except that it returns a pointer to the end of the string wto (that is, the address of the terminating null character wto + wcslen (wfrom)) rather than the beginning.

I18n Issues

Use the appropriate version of the function as required for internationalization support.

Recommended Replacements*

*If you're already using the recommended function, see I18n Issues for other reasons why Globalyzer is detecting the function.

Locale-Sensitive C/C++ String Operation Functions


Lingoport internationalization and localization services and software