Locale-Sensitive Windows C++ Methods
Internationalization (I18n) Discussion:
This category of Windows methods are locale-sensitive,
using the application's locale to format, sort, or convert text strings. They are based on the
Windows Generic TCHAR data type, supporting multibyte strings
when the _MBCS compiler symbol is defined, and wide-character strings when the
_UNICODE symbol is defined.
In addition, the methods will often call a Windows Generic function, which will then
map to the underlying MBCS or Unicode function as directed by the compiler flag.
For example, the following table shows the MBCS/Unicode mapping for a few locale-sensitive
CString methods.
CString Method |
MBCS Function |
Unicode Function |
Compare |
_mbscmp |
wcscmp |
CompareNoCase |
_mbsicmp |
_wcsicmp |
Collate |
_mbscoll |
wcscoll |
The methods listed below belong to various C++ classes, such as CString , COleDateTime ,
CTime , and CTimeSpan . To use correctly, ensure that the locale is set correctly,
by calling setlocale/_wsetlocale/_tsetlocale . In addition,
on a Windows MBCS platform, call _setmbcp to set the
multibyte code page.
Although the class methods will operate correctly on multibyte strings (when the _MBCS
compiler flag is set), care must still be taken to ensure that multibyte strings are parsed correctly.
For example, in the case of the CString class operating on multibyte strings; the class
methods will count, return, and manipulate strings based on 8-bit characters, requiring the application
to interpret MBCS lead and trail bytes as needed.
Click on a method for more information:
Locale-Sensitive C++ Methods