Command Line Reference

Globalyzer Ant Client

Lingoport provides the ability to run Globalyzer from within the Ant build tool to allow you to integrate Globalyzer functionality into your build/integration process. This help tells you how to enable Globalyzer with Ant, describes the available tasks, and gives example usages.

Enabling Globalyzer for Ant

To use Globalyzer from Ant, you will need to define a path with the id globalyzer.install.path that points to the directory where the Globalyzer Client has been installed. The following listing gives an example of defining this on a Windows machine with the Globalyzer Client installed to the default location:

<property name="globalyzer.install.dir" value="C:/Program Files/Lingoport/Globalyzer 4.9"/> <path id="globalyzer.install.path"> <fileset dir="${globalyzer.install.dir}" includes="**.jar"/> </path>

The following tasks are defined for the Globalyzer Ant library:

  • globalyzer-list-projects
  • globalyzer-list-scans
  • globalyzer-list-rulesets
  • globalyzer-list-reports
  • globalyzer-scan
  • globalyzer-scan-history
  • globalyzer-scan-diff
  • globalyzer-rule-set-diff
  • globalyzer-delete-scan-results
  • globalyzer-delete-project
  • globalyzer-run-report
  • globalyzer-export
  • globalyzer-import

To use one of these tasks, you must first add a taskdef tag to associate the task with its corresponding class, as in the example below for the globalyzer-export task:

<taskdef name="globalyzer-export" classname="com.lingoport.scanner.ui.ant.GlobalyzerExportScanTask" classpathref="globalyzer.install.path"/>

It is recommended that you import these definitions from the provided file globalyzer-typedefs.xml, as follows:

<taskdef file="${globalyzer.install.dir}/globalyzer-typedefs.xml" format="xml"/>

Important Note: If you are going to run Globalyzer Ant tasks from a directory other than the Globalyzer Client program directory (where you installed Globalyzer), you must use the logfile or logurl attribute with all ant globalyzer tasks so that they have access to Globalyzer's log4j2.xml file. See the Command Line Client help for more information on using this option as well as on changing the Globalyzer data directory from its [userhome]./globalyzer default location by using the datadir attribute.

Attribute Description
datadir Full path to Globalyzer Data directory
logfile Full path to Globalyzer's log4j2.xml file
logurl URL path to Globalyzer's log4j2.xml file

Globalyzer Ant Tasks

This section provides a description of the available Globalyzer Ant tasks. All tasks have the following attribute options:

Attribute Description
Nested jvmargs element the arguments to pass to the forked Java VM (jvmargs attribute is obsolete but still supported)
classpath the classpath pointing to the Globalyzer installation (nested classpath element is also supported)
classpathref the classpath reference pointing to the Globalyzer installation

Globalyzer Ant tasks are sub-classes of Ant core java task, see Ant java task documentation for details.

Note that the examples provided assume you have included the path and taskdef definitions.


The globalyzer-list-projects task will list the projects defined in a particular Globalyzer installed instance.

Attribute Description
verbose true | false, whether to have verbose output (optional; defaults to false)


<globalyzer-list-projects classpathref="globalyzer.install.path" verbose="true" />


The globalyzer-list-scans task will list the available scans for a particular project. It includes the following attribute options:

Attribute Description
project-name the project name (required)
verbose true | false, whether to have verbose output (optional; defaults to false)


<globalyzer-list-scans project-name="Java project 1" classpathref="globalyzer.install.path" verbose="true" />


The globalyzer-list-rulesets task lists the defined rule sets for a particular user.


<globalyzer-list-rulesets classpathref="globalyzer.install.path" />


The globalyzer-list-reports task allows you to list the available reports for a particular project. It includes the following attribute options:

Attribute Description
project-name the project name (required)
verbose true | false, whether to have verbose output (optional; defaults to false)


<globalyzer-list-reports project-name="Java project 1" classpathref="globalyzer.install.path" verbose="true" />


The globalyzer-scan task allows you to run a particular scan. It includes the following attribute options:

Attribute Description
project-name the project name (required)
scan-name the scan name, if not specified, all scans for the specified project are scanned
verbose true | false, whether to have verbose output (optional; defaults to false)


<globalyzer-scan project-name="Java project 1" scan-name="Scan 1" verbose="true" classpathref="globalyzer.install.path" jvmargs="-Xmx512m" />


The globalyzer-scan-history task allows you to list scan history for a particular scan. It includes the following attribute options:

Attribute Description
project-name the project name (required)
scan-name the scan name (required)
result-type the result-type (optional; "embedded", "method", "general", or "static"; if omitted "embedded" is assumed)
xml-name the name/path to an XML file to generate (optional; if omitted outputs to console)
ascending true | false, whether to list scan history in ascending order (oldest to newest) (optional; defaults to false)
xsl-file XSL transformation file name
report-file Report file name


<globalyzer-scan-history project-name="Java project 1" scan-name="Scan 1" classpathref="globalyzer.install.path" />

You can use XSL transformation ( -xslfile, --xsl-file ) to generate a report in output format (html, text, etc) defined in your XSL transformation file. XSL transformation uses XML format as input to the transformation. See xsl/globalyzer_scan_history.xsd XML schema for details. See xsl directory .xsl files for examples of XSL transformation and for available .xsl files.


The globalyzer-scan-diff displays the numeric difference between two scan instances. you can specify a from-date and to-date to get the difference between scan results matching these days. or you can specify from-id and to-id to compare specific scans by id. This task includes the following attribute options:

Attribute Description
project-name the project name (required)
scan-name the scan name (required)
result-type the result-type (optional; "embedded", "method", "general", or "static"; if omitted "embedded" is assumed)
from-date the starting date/time as "YYYY-MM-DD[ hh:mm:ss]" (either this or from-id required; finds the scan session with the closest matching date/time)
to-date the ending date/time as "YYYY-MM-DD[ hh:mm:ss]" (optional; finds the scan session with the closest matching date/time, if omitted the most recent scan is assumed)
from-id the scan id of the first scan to compare (either this or from-date required)
to-id the scan id of the second scan to compare (optional; if omitted the most recent scan is assumed)
xml-name the name/path to an XML file to generate (optional; if omitted outputs to console)
xsl-file XSL transformation file name
report-file Report file name


<globalyzer-scan-diff project-name="Java project 1" scan-name="Scan 1" result-type="embedded" from-date="2009-01-01" to-date="2009-06-01 14:00" classpathref="globalyzer.install.path" />

You can use XSL transformation ( -xslfile, --xsl-file ) to generate a report in output format (html, text, etc) defined in your XSL transformation file. XSL transformation uses XML format as input to the transformation. See xsl/globalyzer_scan_diffs.xsd XML schema for details. See xsl directory .xsl files for examples of XSL transformation and for available .xsl files.


The globalyzer-rule-set-diff displays the differences between two rule sets. This task includes the following attribute options:

Attribute Description
rule-set-1 the name of the first rule set (required)
rule-set-2 the name of the second rule set (required)
html-file the name of an HTML file to generate (optional; if omitted outputs to console)


<globalyzer-rule-set-diff rule-set-1="my_java_ruleset" rule-set-2="my_other_java_ruleset" classpathref="globalyzer.install.path" />


The globalyzer-delete-scan-results task will delete the results for a particular scan defined for a particular project. This allows you to rescan all code instead of doing incremental scanning. It includes the following attribute options:

Attribute Description
project-name the project name (required)
scan-name the scan name (required)


<globalyzer-delete-scan-results project-name="Java project 1" scan-name="Scan 1" classpathref="globalyzer.install.path" />


The globalyzer-delete-project task will delete a project. It includes the following attribute options:

Attribute Description
project-name the project name (required)


<globalyzer-delete-project project-name="Java project 1" classpathref="globalyzer.install.path" />


The globalyzer-run-report task allows you to generate a report from Globalyzer scan results. It includes the following attribute options:

Attribute Description
project-name the project name (required)
scan-name the scan name (required for all report types except aggregate)
stored-report the name of a saved report (optional)
report-type a report type: aggregate | summary | csv | excel | html | text | xml (required)
result-type a result type: all | embedded | method | general | static
report-title a title for the report (optional; currently only used for HTML summary reports)
encoding the output encoding of the generated report (optional)
xsl-file XSL transformation file name
report-file Report file name


<globalyzer-run-report project-name="Java project 1" scan-name="Scan 1" report-type="csv" report-file="scan1-report.csv" classpathref="globalyzer.install.path" jvmargs="-Xmx512m" />

You can use XSL transformation ( -xslfile, --xsl-file ) to generate a report in output format (html, text, etc) defined in your XSL transformation file. XSL transformation uses XML format as input to the transformation. See xsl/globalyzer_scan_report.xsd XML schema for details. This command passes two parameters to your XSL file (if they are specified as option on command line), report-dir and/or report-file . See xsl directory .xsl files for examples of XSL transformation and for available .xsl files.


The globalyzer-export task allows you to export a scan and its results so that it can be imported by another Globalyzer instance. It includes the following task attribute options:

Attribute Description
project-name the project name (optional; if omitted a .gbak is created (an backup of the entire client database; if only the project name is specified then a .gproj file is created)
scan-name the scan name (if specified then a .gscan file is created)
export-name the name of the file to export to (required)
include-results whether to include scan results in export file (optional; defaults to false)


<globalyzer-export project-name="Java project" scan-name="Scan 1" export-name="Java project-Scan 1.gscan" include-results="true" classpathref="globalyzer.install.path" jvmargs="-Xmx512m" />


The globalyzer-import task will import a Globalyzer export file (.gbak, .gproj, or .gscan). It includes the following task attribute options:

Attribute Description
project-name the project name
import-name the name of the file to import from (required)
include-results whether to import scan results (optional; defaults to false)
reconcile-import the name of a file with reconcile information (optional; maps rule sets to projects/scans, see command line help for more information)


<globalyzer-import project-name="Java project" scan-name="Scan 1" import-name="Java project-Scan 1.gscan" include-results="true" classpathref="globalyzer.install.path" />