Command Line Reference

Globalyzer XSL Support

You can use XSL transformation ( -xslfile, --xsl-file ) to generate a report in output format (html, text, etc) defined in your XSL transformation file. XSL transformation uses XML format as input to the transformation. See xsl/globalyzer_scan_history.xsd XML schema for details. See xsl directory .xsl files for examples of XSL transformation and for available .xsl files.

Available XSL Files

XSL Description
scan_diff_simple.xsl Creates an HTML page with the issue count differences between two scans of the specified Globalyzer Project and Scan
scan_diff_text.xsl Creates s plain text file with the issue count differences between two scans of the specified Globalyzer Project and Scan
scan_history_simple.xsl Creates an HTML page with the Scan History table for the specified Globalyzer Project and Scan
scan_history_text.xsl Creates a plain text file with the Scan History for the specified Globalyzer Project and Scan
scan_results.xsl Creates multiple HTML pages and an index HTML page containing the summary and detailed Scan Results for the specified Globalyzer Project and Scan
scan_results_simple.xsl Creates a single HTML page containing the summary and detailed Scan Results for the specified Globalyzer Project and Scan
scan_results_text.xsl Creates a single plain text page containing the detailed Scan Results for the specified Globalyzer Project and Scan
scan_results_summary.xsl Creates a single HTML page containing the Scan Results Summary for the specified Globalyzer Project and Scan


The following shows an example of using this XSL file in the Command Line Client. In this case, you need to set --report-file to the filename. Do not specify a --result-type if you want the scan differences for all Scan Result types.

java -jar globalyzer-cli.jar --scan-diff –-project-name Simple
--scan-name csharp_scan --from-date 2011-03-29
--report-file scan_diff_simple.html
--xsl-file xsl/scan_diff_simple.xsl


The following shows an example of using this XSL file in the Command Line Client. In this case, you need to set --report-file to the plain text filename. Do not specify a --result-type if you want the scan differences for all Scan Result types.

java -jar globalyzer-cli.jar --scan-diff –-project-name Simple
--scan-name csharp_scan --from-date 2011-03-29
--report-file scan_diff_text.txt
--xsl-file xsl/scan_diff_text.xsl


The following shows an example of using this XSL file in the Command Line Client. In this case, you need to set --report-file to the HTML filename. Do not specify a --result-type if you want the history for all Scan Result types.

java -jar globalyzer-cli.jar --scan-history –-project-name Simple
--scan-name csharp_scan --report-file scan_history_simple.html
–-xsl-file xsl/scan_history_simple.xsl


The following shows an example of using this XSL file in the Command Line Client. In this case, you need to set --report-file to the plain text filename. Do not specify a --result-type if you want the history for all Scan Result types.

java -jar globalyzer-cli.jar --scan-history –-project-name Simple
--scan-name csharp_scan --report-file scan_history_text.txt
–-xsl-file xsl/scan_history_text.xsl


The following shows an example of using this XSL file in the Command Line Client. In this case, you need to set --report-dir to the path where you want the multiple HTML files to be created. The generated file for Active Embedded Strings is shown below.

java -jar globalyzer-cli.jar --run-report –-project-name Simple
--scan-name csharp_scan --report-dir scan_results
--report-type xsl –-xsl-file xsl/scan_results.xsl


The following shows an example of using this XSL file in the Command Line Client. In this case, you need to set --report-file to the HTML file to be created.

java -jar globalyzer-cli.jar --run-report –-project-name Simple
--scan-name csharp_scan --report-file scan_results_simple.html
--report-type xsl –-xsl-file xsl/scan_results_simple.xsl


The following shows an example of using this XSL file in the Command Line Client. In this case, you need to set --report-file to the plain text file to be created.

java -jar globalyzer-cli.jar --run-report –-project-name Simple
--scan-name csharp_scan --report-file scan_results_text.txt
--report-type xsl –-xsl-file xsl/scan_results_text.xsl


The following shows an example of using this XSL file in the Command Line Client. In this case, you need to set --report-file to the HTML file to be created.

java -jar globalyzer-cli.jar --run-report –-project-name Simple
--scan-name csharp_scan --report-file scan_results_summary.html
--report-type xsl –-xsl-file xsl/scan_results_summary.xsl